Network Automation: Tools and Best Practices


The advent of cloud computing, the surge in connected devices, and the need for agile IT practices have fueled the demand for network automation. As networks grow more complex, manual configurations, updates, and monitoring can become inefficient and error-prone. Network automation simplifies these processes, improving efficiency, agility, and accuracy. Let’s delve into the realm of network automation, its essential tools, and best practices.

1. What is Network Automation?

Network automation refers to the process of automating the management, deployment, testing, and operations of physical and virtual devices within a network. This can encompass a broad spectrum of tasks, from simple network mapping and device discovery to more complex processes like configuration management and change control.

2. Key Tools for Network Automation:

There are numerous tools available to facilitate network automation. Some of the most popular include:

  • Ansible: A simple, agentless IT automation engine that can automate cloud provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.
  • Cisco DNA Center: Cisco’s intent-based networking solution that centralizes network management, making it easier to design, deploy, and manage networks.
  • Nornir: A Python framework designed for network automation tasks. Being Python-based, it’s flexible and can integrate with other tools and libraries easily.
  • Netmiko and Napalm: Python libraries built for connecting to and automating network devices. They’re especially useful for those familiar with Python scripting.
  • SolarWinds: A comprehensive network management software suite, which includes automation capabilities for network configuration, change detection, and compliance checks.

3. Best Practices for Network Automation:

  • Start Small: If you’re new to network automation, begin by automating a single, non-critical task. This allows you to gain confidence and familiarity with your chosen tools before tackling more complex processes.
  • Implement Version Control: When automating configurations, use a version control system like Git. This helps you keep track of changes, rollback configurations if needed, and collaborate with others.
  • Regularly Test and Validate: Automation can streamline processes, but without regular testing, it can also introduce errors. Regularly test your automated tasks in a controlled environment before deploying them in production.
  • Standardize Configurations: Before automating, ensure that your network configurations are standardized. This minimizes inconsistencies and makes the automation process smoother.
  • Implement Monitoring and Logging: Monitor your network’s performance and log all automated activities. This helps in troubleshooting and ensuring that automation tasks are executed correctly.
  • Continually Update Skills: The world of network automation is ever-evolving. Regularly update your skills, be it in Python scripting, new tools, or updated best practices.

4. The Future of Network Automation:

With the rise of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the scope and capabilities of network automation are expanding. Predictive analytics can help anticipate network issues before they occur, while intent-based networking allows for more intuitive and user-friendly automation processes.


Network automation, when approached with the right tools and best practices, can be a game-changer for organizations. It can reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, and minimize human errors. As with all technological advancements, continuous learning and adaptation are key to leveraging its full potential.

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